Operational improvement is all we do and we have more than 16 years of experience doing it!


We have more than 16 years’ experience in providing specialised business & technology change for our field service clients.

Our team are specialists not generalists. We employ an experienced team of experts who work to deeply understand your business, with the gravitas to challenge.

We think digital. Leadent Digital develops and implements technology to solve operational challenges for the benefit of better customer experience.

We’re 100% referenceable with our clients - our clients’ success is always our focus.


"Our consultants operate without the egos of big consulting firms and are incentivised on one thing only – the delivery of accelerated and long lasting business benefits for our clients."



We really look at the big picture of an organisation. We consider how people, process and technology will work together to transform a client's fieldforce and mobile operations.

There are few UK-based organisation that do what we do however, none of them do it the way that we do it.

All of our staff have a unique mix of industry and consulting experience, they are focused on creating success for our clients and, without exception, they are all genuinely nice people to work with.



We love sharing our latest insights on things that are shaping the field service, operations, asset management and related sectors. Take a look.